Sunday 24 November 2019

leaf love and a month-long magical mystery tour

Would you like to join me for a workshop?
A long one that lasts a month?

Want to learn different ways of bundling to
let those lovely string marks shine on your work?

Want to know to bring saved dried leaves back to life?

Would you like to ease into a daily morning writing practice,
connect with a whirled-wide community and
dance your way through February?

Why February?

It might be the shortest month but in the North,
though we all know that the earth needs a rest before
the abundance of spring, the long hours of dark together
with driech weather can get to your soul.
And not in a good way.

Here in the South we just feel the roasting
heat of summer will never end.

So once again I have dreamed up an adventure
that can be enjoyed from wherever you are in the whirled.
It begins now, with a wee bit of prep, then goes to sleep
while you deal with whatever
the Festive Season is throwing at you 😉.

Late in January I'll send a wakey-wakey email
to remind you that the fun is about to begin,
and then every day in February
an email will fly in from me, with instructions
for the mystery project that we are making together. 

All I will tell you now is that it is both beautiful and useful,
and that we will be using cloth from your stash
and your ragbag along with whatever threads
you want to stitch with,
and all of the beads and buttons your heart desires.

You'll begin each day with quiet moments of grounding,
light a candle, do a little writing and then work on your project,
step by step until it all comes together
and you take it out into the light of day
at the end of the month.

And did I mention pie?
There will be pie.

Want to know more ?

Please click on the heart below.

Saturday 2 November 2019


goodness me.
I blinked, and now it is November.
It's been another extraordinary year.
I've had exhibitions in New Orleans, Scotland and England.
Taught in Canada, Scotland and France,
and taught myself a lot about small-scale
film-making for my online school.

The weather is still
awfully dry here in South Australia
in fact
the dams look a bit like that
lovely rusted image above.

I found a pile of dried eucalyptus leaves
in a garden in Mexico
which was a brilliant excuse
to acquire this lovely blue enamel pot.
It's beautifully light and fits
nicely into my suitcase.

The River Tay welcomed me back
(or so I like to think), and several
happy hours were spent filming
bundles drifting on the tide.

Now I'm home a while,
happily dancing with indigo,
teaching myself as much as
I can about that particular magic,
while also working on new projects
for the
School of Nomad Arts.

One of which has been released today.

Some years ago I published a very limited edition
of 'wandercards',
inspirational cards devised to offer ideas for
the exploration of the poetics of place.
There were rather a lot of enquiries about
a reprint, but in the interests of sustainability
I thought it best to make the texts available
online (saving the costs of printing and
mailing) so that people could make their
own unique sets, using repurposed materials
if they wished.

You'll find them here