Tuesday 13 August 2019

still breathing

I apologise for the decreasing frequency
perhaps that is
increasing infrequency
of postings here.

blogger makes it tricky to interact with the readership, you see.
I can't respond to your questions, the platform simply won't allow it.

but I can still tell a few stories.


it's been an extraordinary year
(they all are, really) with wanderings that have included exhibitions in one of the busiest locations in the UK, as well as one of the more remote (but seemingly with lots of lovely visitors).

a day after 'leafpoems :: treeclooties from here and (t)here' concluded at the Inverewe Gardens in Scotland,   'incomplete journeys' opened at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham ... truly two extremes!

and presently I have work in 'borderline' at Fabrik, in South Australia,
as well as a chapter on my work in a beautiful new book

'True Colors'
Keith Recker

most of next year's workshops are up on my website
and I am very happy to say that the 
School of Nomad Arts
is blooming beautifully.

thanks for hanging in here.
if you have something that needs an answer, drop me a line.
there's a wee icon at the foot of my website
that will let you send me a message.
