twas indeed a pleasant surprise to be pinged a sticker of approval from the kindly Annette at Fairy Shoes . this now means i am faced with the tricky challenge of trying to decide to whom i should pass the baton. there are squillions of interesting reads out there!
so here goes. i'm nominating Ahipara Girl, my friend from across the ditch; Silver Solo and Free Falling from the land of Uncle Sam, maple syrup and margaritas; Little Brown Sparrow and Uniform Studio for their posts about Things Wearable; Million Little Stitches for her reports from the sub-continent and the Hoarder's Daughter for her lovely post about Mirka Mora, one of my favourite Melbourne artists.
Oh, and for something completely different, the blog of Unnecessary "Quotation" Marks...

and here's the deal. for those named above, please
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2.Link to the person who gave you the award.
3.Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4.Put links to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on those blogs.