bet you can't guess what that is
[persevere with this post and i shall offer enlightenment]
the journey northward from Goleta begins well
the very nice manager at the rental agency
offers me a ragtop Mustang as an upgrade on
my pre-booked econo-box.
i could have been driving this
sadly the nice man then also noticed there would be a drop off at SFO and with many apologies withdrew the offer as the vehicle needed to come back to Goleta.
ah well.
just for a moment it was a fabulous prospect.
so singing Mustang Sally
i head north in a Nissan.
much driving and
stopping to investigate leaves/stones/fabulous views
i am ensconced in my room at Ragged Point
listening to the ocean far below
night falls and it occurs to me
that there might be stars
i venture out and for the first time in many years [in America]
it is dark enough and there is no haze or cloud or fog
in fact so velvety black is the sky that the twinkling celestial bodies seem
a myriad shades from silver to gold to red
from my balcony i espy the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius
dancing cheek to cheek on the far southern edge of the Pacific
the Bear must be somewhere above but i can't quite make him out past the roof overhang
far below the waves keep tumbling and plashing on the rocks
an hour or so before sunset
i stood on the pier at San Simeon
watching the pelicans soar up high and then plummet from the sky like kamikaze pilots , beaks pointing straight down on hapless fish
only to be bombarded in turn by marauding gulls as they re-emerged from the depths
quite literally a feeding frenzy.
in the midst of this avian/piscine mayhem
a hatful of seals frolicked about
forming infinity symbols
curving sleekly through the water
like a troupe of cheerful labradors
perfecting a synchronised swimming routine
[but not needing nose-clips]
in the distance
squeakyclean white egrets balanced on the floating kelp beds - bandylegged bleached surfers looking for waves
looking down on drifting kelp |
and that first image? seaweed gathered at Moonstone Beach
wrapped in silk
warming in the bathroom sink
it's what i do.