Monday, 17 September 2012


it's good to be home for a bit
and be involved in life

this weekend we celebrated a wedding
it took place a while back but didn't get the attention it deserved at the time
because there was deep sadness in the family
about a passing
and the dancing feet were limping

 the woolshed scrubbed up very well
especially as Roz swung in from Queensland
to lend a hand
draped the place with twinkle lights
and apple blossom

the feast comprised both Latvian and Maori yumminess
[including Hangi, Pīrāgi, potato salad, delicious cakes]
with a little southern US influence
[pulled pork] 
thrown in for good measure

and of course there was a bonfire

next day the coals called for a dyepot


and when i awoke this morning
and was looking at the stains here and there

i was put in mind of Stuart Kestenbaum's beautiful words
photographed at an exhibition on Deer Isle recently


  1. Glad you had a happy event and that Roz helped make it shine. Stuart's words speak to my heart and soul.

  2. Oh, I adore those words of Stuart Kestenbaum.

  3. stains for remembering sounds just right to me. happy dancing feet and hands. blessings, y'all.

  4. Oh, right... Latvian... forgot we shared that. Though my family is far removed and I'm about the only one whose been there or curious about what Latvian food offerings might be! Gotta love a dual-function fire.

  5. you set life on fire
    with your art
    your view of things
    and your recommendations...

    thank you.

  6. ahhh the stains of life, thank you for sharing Stuart's words.

  7. How nice to spend some happy time at home with friends and loved ones.

  8. Glad you are having some great time at home and what better way to celebrate but with family and friends. Love the words. Lyndax

  9. Now that sounds like the kind of wedding to be at India... love that cultural mix indeed... and the ambiance you speak of... with Roz' touch and all... just lovely!
    Thanks for your message too... all very good here ... except perhaps lack of wifi!
