
Saturday 28 January 2012

simple folded paper bag

sometimes you need a bag

and there isn't one handy in your pocket.
 catch a passing piece of paper

fold the top down a bit

turn it over

fold [at right angle to original fold]

then fold in the other side

tuck one flap under the top collar of the other

turn it over again

fold it more or less in half

tuck the folded up bit into the collar

open out the bag

what you put in it is up to you
you're on your own now.

i'm busy with my walnuts.


  1. brilliant... much nicer than plastic..

  2. I sit here in awe at the sheer genius of this. Oh! Where's my paper? Gotta try this. Thank you!

  3. .. except I am dyslexic sometimes and my bag would look like

    well... not a bag

  4. nifty!
    walnut vat oozes away in the mill.

  5. Very cleverly done...I believe I saw you with one this past summer, and wondered from whence it came! Now I am smart! Jack

  6. think i print this out and pin it to the supermarketwall. If they ask me who is responsable i tell them its a hippy from Australia.......then they problably except.

  7. I'm with grrl + dog - maybe we could rename it clever paper bag rather than simple - with love from a hippy in NZxx

  8. lol a natty idea ! Now our hedgerows and parks are awash with plastic bags wrapped round trees and plenty to choose from but.....yes, paper is much better!

  9. Very clever! I just tried it out with a bill from the supermarket, and that worked fine. Can be a practical container for the various seeds (for natural dyeing plants, of course) I happen to get under my nails sometimes ...

  10. I just love this packet/bag.......I always need a reminder how to make the folds! And walnuts!!! seems like yesterday I was collecting mine! Spring must be arriving soon in this part of the whirled! and autumn there!!! oxox

  11. must confess it's not an original invention on my part...have seen them made by street spice vendors in Hyderabad [from pages out of old telephone books] and once also demonstrated by a Persian woman teaching children how to make "Pakistani" bags on a school outing years ago
    but they're so useful...small ones for saving seeds, large ones for notes and drawings...but really really big ones may need a stitch or two to prevent hernias

  12. How helpful - thank you for sharing.

  13. girl, you are just too smart!
    (oh, and a good way, of course.)

    wish i lived closer...i'm really liking australians...

    best of luck with your talk!

  14. how lovely! thank you for sharing!

  15. Fantastic and simple. I am thinking of sharing this one with my daughter's scout group. Great for camping. Off now to practice! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. The day you posted this, I came a cross my mini-bag/pocket made during the workshop at Haystack and thought "Hmmm, I wonder if I can remember how to make this?" and then poof, just like that, the remembering was all done for me. With pictures even. :-) hehe Thank you India!
