
Thursday 13 February 2014

in which the Dogs Above have mercy

it rained today
and i was very grateful
we've had a record 13 days above 40 C this summer
[that translates as 104F and above]
the highest was 46 [114.8]
too warm for this bear

you may have noticed i was getting a bit crabby in recent posts

but today's puddles cheered me up enormously
despite the deceased rat that was discovered in a rainwater tank
- now thankfully removed, along with the sullied water

i took to the paddocks with a cauldron
and some silk
gathering material from the ground
and packing it in the pot
for stewing back in the house

also delighted that the Mansfield retreat is attracting commitments

and is 25% filled already, even though November is a ways off
details on my website near the bottom of the page

and in case you'd like to look at old stories from Mansfield

here are some
and some more
and then from 2010


  1. good to hear you have rain , i can understand the warmth are very high , we do not know here in the north how it is ! i am also crabby because i cannot book anything oberseas , even not a package from Christine , i have to pay for importy, they have made a spot test U.E. ugh---- enjoy good times India see you sometime in NZ

  2. I understand about loving the rain and the heat. Our summers in Austin, Texas have followed the same pattern. I really want more rain this next year and hopefully we might get it. I hope you get more.

  3. yes, very good to hear you have rain, lovely photo too ...

  4. We have had nothing but snow and ice every week for over a month! It's snowing now 14 inches and still going, I'm not too crabby yet but wish we could blend our weather into something just right. Close your eyes India, I'm sending you a cool breeze!

  5. Very pleased, on all fronts!
    Can see the headlines now: "Bower birds take over the whirled" ;>]]
    Windfall photo is a GEM.

  6. p.s. link above isn't linked, India.

    1. thanks Christi
      i've fixed it
      added a couple more

  7. So glad to hear about the rain!

  8. What a blessing rain is in arid regions. So happy for you and your land. I was born and lived almost my whole life in Arizona, always very high heat for months on end and very little rain. I understand the toll it takes on everything. I am glad you are cheered, despite the rat, and a most happy day to you, beautiful India.

  9. Oh my, murder by rat in water tank? Zee little grey cells would have had to work overtime on that one. The old lady died of E.coli poisoning, old people are reputed to be not too hygienic in the kitchen . . .
    what a marvellous psychological plot about inheritance that would make.
    Blessed are those that receive rain in the nick of time.

    1. we TOLD you to boil the water... it has peacock flavouring as well.

    2. Not to mention the possums and magpies. Being a suspicious soul, I started boiling my water when the peacocks arrived.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. ok, you two (arija and india) are scaring me. but i have chipmunks under the well slab lately…i'm at marion's and it's not scorchingly hot thank the dogs (as you say) above. wendy and kip and the rest. i'm jetlagged…..


  12. ...and the entire state breathes a sigh of relief...

  13. Hooray for rain at last.... we found our rat only when the gutter above the tank was replaced. It was a skeleton! But no one apart from the rat dies, happily...
