
Saturday 15 February 2014

especially for my fabulous students

When I handed over the manuscript for Eco Colour back on March 19th, 2007 I had no idea what an exciting path was about to unfold.
Nearly seven years on I’ve been on the most glorious adventures, many of which are entirely due to kind folk joining me over a cauldron.
I think it’s time for a celebration.
Given the very kind response to stuff,steep+store I want to put together a book that honours my wonderful students [many of whom are now my friends, bless you].
So here’s the plan.
If you have been a student of mine and would like to take part, please
[1]  write a brief statement about yourself   100-200 words
[2]  write a story about something that you have made or dyed as a result of being in a class and what that piece means to you   100-200 words
[3] supply three images of the work, one “hero” shot and two details 
[4] supply a picture of yourself, or if you are camera-shy... of your garden, or your studio assistant

[5] include the name of the photographer if it isn't you
Martha assisting in the studio
Images will need to be high resolution 300dpi  and sized at least about 23 cm [9 inches] as the minimum physical dimension.
If that doesn’t make any sense to you then simply email me the images at their original size and I will do the rest.

There’s no cost to participate, you can choose to buy the book or not - the only condition is that you have taken a class with me at some point. [Do please remind me which class it was…bears sometimes need a bit of prompting.]

When all the words and pictures have been gathered I will collate them into a book and make it available on Blurb. 

please send your contributions to 

lets take March 19th, 2014 as a date to aim for getting all your bits together. [and if there's a tidal wave of them it will either be a very fat book or several volumes!]
Felix, training to be a studio assistant


  1. what a wonderful thing to do! only sad that I have never had the chance ...

  2. India , i would like to do . it it possibel to send 2 headworks picture , i do not know at the moment what i will chose , please could you do a little research of my english , i do not know if is good enough? you can find on everything India , you suprise al the time !!

    1. I will be very happy to help with English if needed... will in any case be keeping an editorial eye on grammar, spelling and syntax!

    2. thank you India please do !

  3. Thank you, lovely India. I will work on it and see if I can get it together. I have a couple of books that I made from your classes.

  4. Great idea, I'm trying to put something together. Not sure if I understood the photo options correctly:
    You'd prefer to receive real 13cm x 23cm photo prints via snailmail ???
    Best wishes from puzzled eva

    1. there's a reason i have only supplied an email address :)
      no Eva, i gave the physical dimensions for those who work in things such as Photoshop, where you can set both dimensions and resolutions of images

    2. Okay, I am going to look for my photoshop cd which came along with the camera....
      again: best wishes

  5. Thank you, India ... time with you & dye friends over those cauldrons was the best of the best!

    Have sent an email round to all the gals who came to the Lopez do [some may not visit here regularly] as a heads-up for this very fine opportunity & their welcomed contributions. I'm keen to see "several volumes" of dyed lovelies from around the whirled ;>]

    1. oh good, thanks Christi - i'm going to wander back through the email address collection and try and do some chasing myself!

  6. ahhhhh how wonderful! now I wish more than EVER that I had found a place in a workshop somewhere, sometime ...... grumbles... kicks own shins... makes resolutions....

    1. ah but Ronnie, you already make such beautiful books...i'm taking that lovely counting book of yours to Scotland to show my "being there" class :)
      anyway if the first goes well, there'll be another...

  7. As my opportunity for a class is still in the future (but getting closer)... I offer my skills as a proofreader should you wish.

    1. thank you, if my usual volunteers go on strike i shall call you on that :)

  8. Wish I could have taken your course when you were in Cleveland. I have all your books including the new one. Can I just say, you are a treasure. Your commitment to others and to the environment is admirable. You are a role model.
