
Monday 22 June 2009

a last look and a fond farewell

other than my home, San Francisco is the hardest place in the whirled for me to leave. 

especially when the outlook changes from those above [note the early french influence in the tunnels above the Headlands]
to that below...
the delightful view i'm now enjoying at 2am in Columbus, Ohio

let's see what sunrise brings...

oh and in case you're wondering, 'map piece' is from 'Grapefruit' by Yoko Ono


  1. visit me back

  2. I hope for your sake as well, that the morning light brings something good with it ... safe dreams

  3. oh. i think i drove through ohio once ... it was very flat i believe... ;)

    i can't seem to find your email readily, so i'm not sure this is the bestest place to write this, but wanted to say thanks for your inspiration - i have finally had a wee bit of success with some natural dying (with onion skins - just a very simple bit - nothing like i've seen of your work, you amazing woman, you!), well, that i was happy with anyway! i have photo up on my blog - along with some other celebratory bits (personal milestones for me, I guess you could say!)

    Thanks India!


  4. to you in Oh hi oh. Love the shot of the painted ladies in SF. another set of memories awakened.
    also remembered Neil Young's song ohio. the magic of words and memories. Thanks for the words

  5. oh me oh my o....wanna make a map to get lost lost lost......and travel to the land where tears come from...a place on the mountain a place in my mountain...
    happy homecomings me friend

  6. not home sweet home just yet...but a week of listening to stories and being a student

    it's interesting and a whirled away from my usual haunts

    looking forward to that homecoming...

  7. I've always wanted to visit San Francisco. I particularly like your first photo.
