
Friday 19 June 2009

guerilla in the jacaranda

here's one especially for that grrrl who knits

there i was quietly directing my elephant [ie normous grey wheeled trunk-like suitcase] down South First Street in San Jose when i was confronted by the sight of what appeared to be a cat-in-the-hat sock

and then it dawned on me [in the absence of the Cat] that it was another one of the guerilla knitsisters up to more public malarky

wonder how long it will last with those cute squirrels romping on it

wish my legs looked as good in stripy socks


  1. woo hoo!
    It does look like Dr Seuss took to the needles, dosen't it?
    Fantastic to see this global lash-in-the-pan happening...

  2. You can't imagine the joy as we: Imbi, Cleo and Rachelle tuned in tonight to find yet another post from our big sister. As the new sisters got acquainted, with the help of Cleo, AhiparaGirl's dress finally began to emerge from wool blanket. Imbi stitched buttons found on the beach today (over 40). Cleo knit her family intricate socks. Knuckles slept soundly. Richard played DJ. And your name constantly arose. We miss you India. This stitch party was full of our favourite India-memories and moments. It's cold outside but very warm inside.

  3. it's a cross between Dr S. and Pippi Longstocking! what a find :)

  4. each morning I awake I say to myself: 'Be surprised' Yet another Ahhhh... moment

  5. been thinking of my skinsisters too while working on my teaspoon knitting for the Grrrl's big project. will be knitting my way to Columbus Ohio and then back again across the Pacific just in time to stuff it into an express pack for Sydney

    very impressed at the 40 button that a record?

  6. oh - I love Grrl and I love that you found her a knitup to write about! my goodness, but you do travel - ahhh, I hate to admit it - but I am experiencing envy here - how wonderful to travel as you do, doing what you love

  7. i do sometimes have a few qualms about all those air miles but i figure it's in a good the more people who learn to work with plant dyes and who [i hope] become enchanted by them, leaving the synthetic nasties behind...the better for the world [and those doing the dyeing] in the long run

    and yes i will admit, i'm truly blessed to be able to earn a living doing what i love...writing, teaching, making stuff.

    planning to learn golf for a possible retirement is clearly NOT on my 'to do' list

  8. Oh my, this sight must have given you quite a lift India. Dneese has certainly alerted us to tree accessories.
