
Thursday 3 December 2015

simple beauty

celebrating the month of twinkle lights and Sagittarian birthdays by giving y'all a present.
leafprinting in a nutshell.
simple is beautiful.

and it's as simple and beautiful as that.
if you'd like to go deeper
i would of course be delighted if you'd buy the Bundle Book
attend a class sometime
(there's one on Sunday at Poet's Ode)

and while we're on the subject of beautiful
i've gathered together the words you kindly gave

put them in italics and begun to acquaint them with others
there are so many different paths that might be followed,
here is the first one that ensued.

i try for kindness
though i am restless
and would rather meander
through luscious gardens
with time to ponder
the meaning of bespoke
with gratitude
despite confusion
hoping for an epiphany
 with zeal
 and love
never losing hope
for serenity
and connectedness
awaiting the dawning
and the murmur of magic
that particular moment
in which to advocate joy
for now
i fly
up and beyond
seeking peace
in the precious dusk

thank you for sending me these seeds of writing.


  1. Thank you for the present I'm a sagittarian and I'd like to think this gift is specially for me.
    I'd love to attend one of your workshops, sometime in the near future I hope.
    I must use the recipe on some eucalyptus leaves.
    Thank you again.

    1. Lovely! Remember to let it cool before opening, so you don't get a steam burn

  2. Love the gift and the entwined words.

  3. bilbo's spirit lives. happy sagittarian birthday.

  4. happy birthday favorite sign ( :
    thanks for the gift ... i will considered it is for my birthday since i share in this sagittarian month .

  5. Another grateful Sagittarian here...
    Hoping to give eucalyptus dyeing another try soon, everyday I walk by a huge tree in the park surrounding the hospital where my child was born but haven't mustered the courage to walk in and ask if I can gather.

    1. well eucalyptus is a weed unless growing in picking up windfalls shouldn't be a crime!

  6. You are a dear to share this wonderful tip sheet. It had some really good points I hadn't known before.
    I'm buying The Bundle Book right now!
    Cutting eucalyptus in California is no crime, we have so much of it nobody will miss a few branches. I'm finding they ALL make such varied results! Fun.

  7. For a lark, I sat here rearranging that lovely poem [wordplay similar to Newburgh] by taking your lines then adding words to make each line longer while also rearranging them in another order, another cadence. But I could not go beyond those last lines - such a perfect ending.

    for now
    i fly
    up and beyond
    seeking peace
    in the precious dusk

    1. isn't it wonderful how a small hatful of words can offer almost endless writing pleasure. i used the words in the order they were given, but mixing them up will lead to a whole new pudding! and thank you for the kind words about the ending, but really all i did was write down what i had been given, and add a little seasoning.

  8. thank you! I've added this to my workbook. (am a saggi too). am going to try jar dyeing on my holidays now your stuffed & steep book arrived. I have bundle book on my ipad/kindle app
