
Saturday 19 July 2014

the word of the week

if i had to choose a word for this week
i think it would be abundance
it has rained abundantly [this is good, the cup runneth over and two out of four dams are also!]
there is mud here in abundance
and the abundance of chaos in the studio is gradually resolving into tangible objects...

further afield all sorts of marvellous things have been happening

musician Helen Davey very kindly asked if she might compose some music in response to my part of the exhibition Sete Filhas, Sete Irmãs currently installed at Evoramonte, Portugal

when i listened to it late last night on my batfone
it brought the feeling of castle back to me
though, so far as i know, Helen has not actually been there. magic.

here are her links

then Kari from Melbourne sent me this delightful story about making an ecoprint romper

and Christi alerted me to Emma Riley's lovely blog [the link is to a post about our recent class but the rest of it is well worth a rummage...gorgeous images]

Jill [maker of fabulous chocolate and possessed of magical healing hands] also wrote about our class

it does make me very happy when folk write kindly things after a period of reflection.
thank you. all y'all.

and now i have another wee thank you to make
to the truckie who taught me how to tie a hitch
way back in 1984 [or thereabouts] when i was a bright young thing
working with [what was then] the Arts Council of South Australia,
driving exhibitions into the back country of the state
and setting them up in unlikely places such as agricultural shows
that hitch has been indispensable over the years
and was used again this week
when i brought home a mattress purchased ridiculously cheaply at auction
deciding it was time to have a comfy sleep at home
as well as when i am away. i have piled it on top of my ancient one.
stacking them up like the princess in the fairy tale

lastly thank you, friends, for buying my new book
and thank you Mary for writing nice things about it

that's all folks, have a lovely weekend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. all lovely post - and you are like " the princess and the Pea "of H.C. Andersen

  3. My goodness--I followed many of these links with appreciation earlier but have only just listened to that beautiful music... Abundance indeed...
