
Tuesday 22 July 2014


tis a fine thing
when the infants take an interest in the construction of things
especially when those things are warm and comfy
and are given to me

my Wild Rose [aka the Eldest of the Three] who has a B.Sc Hons and was recently awarded her wool classer's stencil
is not content with being able to do clever things with statistics and fling fleeces on tables
and [thanks to instruction by great-grandmother] churn out exquisite tatted lace at machine speed
has now turned her hand to knitting
and discovered a passion for socks.
- unlike me she can actually make two objects that are exactly alike.
the first pair went to her beloved.
i scored the second lot.

so of course
i bundled them up with some eucalyptus leaves
i love my socks

and was tempted to sling them in here as well

but i was firmly restrained.
they said enough was enough.

guess i shall be wearing contrasting socks.


  1. Such wondrous socks! We should all be so lucky as to own a pair. And your indigo...I'm swooning.

  2. these are beautiful and i bet your feet are so happy! like your rose, my daughter makes me perfect socks, too.

  3. Oooh gorgeous socks! Contrast is good...I think 'matching' is highly overrated :)

  4. What a nice treat for your tootsies!

  5. Best gift from your child!

  6. I am a certified wool judge... That she is a classer; well, that makes me swoon. How awesome! Love, love your socks!

  7. For a moment I thought you Aussies wore marshmallows inside your socks [top photo] teehee. Silliness aside, had to google 'wool classer' as it seems I'm always learning something new over here & today was no exception - a fine skill to have under the WR belt, I'd say.

    ... think you've probably got us all thrumming fingers waiting to see blue socks next ... ;>]]

  8. Oh .. now I have to make a pair of wooly socks to dye .. in other things then euc... so lovely yours are. !!!!

  9. Matching socks are overrated, I think! What a splendid thing to have a daughter who will knit them for you. I have the reverse arrangement with my daughter--but that works fine too :)

  10. Talent runs in the family! Nice indigo vat and results. Now I must amble over to my friendly florist for some eucalyptus now that my soy milk mordanted fabric has cured for 9 months. =)

  11. I am into socks myself - polka dots, stripes, lacy tops whatever that are different and not plain. So I really did your socks and they certainly do not need to match

  12. Love the socks!! What a great collaboration!
