
Thursday 19 December 2013

the trouble with my name

i have had trouble with my name from time to time
especially when it comes to email
which is why i changed it to appaloosa rather than using
mail AT indiaflint DOT com

because things with india in them do bounce back
and people like spotty ponies better, it seems
i suppose it could be worse.
nigeria, for example

but this morning's advice from PayPal
that they were investigating me for money-laundering
due to the sudden inflow of $ [thank you, those kind people who opted to purchase a scarf!]
took the cake

today i am posting the scarves for those kind and quick people who paid before they closed the gate
[though apparently i have to await an investigation before PayPal will pay me]
but any further interest will have to rest on ice

and given today's weather forecast promises 43 degrees C
...that's  109.4    on the scale of F major
ice may be a good thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my god! That is unbelievable. We are all under the watchful eye of someone aren't we? Scary.

  3. Replies
    1. Absolutely. They even want to know if I am related to "a person holding office".

    2. I hope you've talked to someone at PayPal about this issue rather than dealing solely via the internet and hopefully found out it was a glitch in the system.

  4. Heavens to Murgatroyd!

  5. Que?? Bitten on the arse by an algorithm?? I hope they release your $$ soon.

  6. Hi India not sure if this pertains to you but I've had two emails supposedly from Pay Pal in the last month stating that they have closed my account due to too many login attempts. When I actually logged into the real Pay Pal and not the link they gave me I checked my account, everything was OK. They were trying to get me to login in to their link to obtain my details. You may already know this and be dealing with Pay Pal direct, but just incase I thought I'd pass it on, one of the emails looked very authentic.

    1. i did log in via the real thing...but thanks for the warning!

  7. Too bad the real money launderers aren't getting harassed instead of you! Do post if and when you are ready to offer scarves again. It is just starting on the cold season here.

  8. Good lordy mercy! As if there isn't enough real wrong in the world. Have you spoken in person with anyone at PayPal? It would seem there should be someone familiar with the ebbs and flows of a small business such as yours, particularly since they handle so many sales on etsy and the like. I am so sorry to hear of this misfortune. Please let us know what happens. Here's to quick and permanent resolution of this ridiculous bureaucracy.

    1. i have indeed spoken with them...and part of the trouble seems to be that in our rural area, street numbers were only assigned a year ago, so my addresses all show various permutations AND my drivers licence doesn't even have a street number on it so apparently i'm fudging things...ah well. maybe i should just leave the selling to people who know what they are doing

    2. Uh, I don't think you are the one with a problem!!

  9. May paypal come to its senses as quickly as ice would return to water at 43c.

  10. Sorry to hear this India, all the best for a positive outcome.

  11. Groannnnn.... and to add insult to injury... 43 degrees. They would choose the busiest time of the year when scarf sales are high for Christmas. Hope all is back to normal soon.

  12. The insanity of it! I wish they'd care more about thinks like the conditions of factory workers in Bangladesh and China instead of harassing people who actually try to walk lightly on this earth. On the other hand, the sudden inflow of cash is of course a good thing for you so there's light at the end of the tunnel ;-)

  13. gah!
    you could investigate some of the new payment methods using cards which are very easy. in the northern hemisphere there is izettle, which I started using for ceramic fairs, in australia (I just googled it) there is .....

  14. ditto what Jennifer Qudeen said. I've had to call Paypal for different reasons and had my issue promptly resolved. India, if that is who you are…:)

  15. So sorry to hear of your troubles.... May it resolve quickly. Wonder if a letter from your loving customers would help?
