
Saturday 14 December 2013

fabulous chia smoothie

it's lovely being home for a bit
enjoying this glorious summer of much content[ment]*

i am rebuilding my relationship with the whizzBizzer
[NO this is not a personal titillation device, it is the name i give to the thing in which solids are placed and then liquified/made fluffy]
and back to having my standard summer breakfast : a smoothie

the smoothie has as many variations as there are plant-dye possibilities
so is the perfect breakfast for a Sagittarian

this morning i experimented by leaving my chia seeds soaking in water
whilst i went for the early morning totter
and being organised paid off, as by the time i'd returned
the seeds and water looked like a lovely jellyish cup of frogspawn. yum.

and when i whizzed up today's ingredients :

mango, banana, yoghurt, pineapple juice, ice, honey, two big spinach leaves + grey-jelly-seeds

the mix turned into a wonderful wobbly fluffy mess that needed eating with a spoon rather than slurping from a cup. with the added bonus that the seeds didn't stick in my teeth.

next i think i will do what my gorgeous friend Claudia does
and make chia bubble tea

oh and a word of caution. yesterday i used raspberries with spinach leaves. tasted lovely but looked as though the mix had been through a cat with tummy troubles. not something you'd want to serve your beloved....

*sorry, Bill [Shakespeare, that is].


  1. Posts like this are one of the many reasons I love your blog. You celebrate life in the smallest of rituals and you are wickedly funny! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Mmmm... I've yet to make a smoothie in my whizzbizzer. Now I'm inspired to do so sans spinach leaves and frog spawn.

  3. hmm, I'm thinking that with a little substitute of coconut milk for the yoghurt even we non-dairy types could enjoy your downunder chia concoction ;>]

    1. Coconut milk and then a splash of rum and it will become a cocktail of champions! Seriously though, I did see coconut 'yoghurt' in the states...and sheep/goats make good stuff too.

    2. YOU DID?!? crikey, I need to get off this rock and shop for more alternatives!!! [leave it to your Aussie-ness to let us Yanks know what they're missing ;>]]

      p.s. the splash sure sounds yummy.

  4. When I was in San Francisco one summer, visiting my daughter, she offered to make me an apple and peanut butter with yogurt and other stuff smoothie. Just the thought of it, let alone the color sent shudders but I gamely said sure. It was amazingly delicious. We eat first with our eyes but sometimes we simply have to be brave and go for it as in your frog spawn...I got quite the chuckle and thank you for telling about an ordinary day at home....

    1. An ordinary day? No day is ever ordinary my long as I wake up breathing I figure there is something to celebrate!!

    2. Yes I get that and what I meant was that I was one of the ones who wanted to know more about how it is when you are home and you gave me a glimpse...Cheers and on with the celebrations.

  5. If mixing red and green I find a goodly addition of cocoa makes all the difference to the look of it x te

    1. And think of all those endorphins! Good plan.

  6. A hefty handful of blueberries turns it a delicious Imperial Purple ... delicious to both tongue and eyes.

  7. whizBizzer!! The best name I have heard yet for what we call a blender. I shall from now on call ours a whizBizzer. So much more character in that name. When I was a child, one of my birthday presents was a chia pet. A ceramic sheep and a bag of chia seeds. You sprinkled the seeds onto the clay, watered it, and they grew into green sheep fur. I like your idea better, using them to turn a whizBizzed smoothie into pudding. I am going to try it right away. Thanks for the tip. At the market, I see bottled beverages filled with chia seeds and they scare me. Looks like fish eggs floating in fruit juice. I will give it a go.

  8. I sometimes make a cracker of sorts in my dehydrator using a mixture of gooey flax seeds, I didn't know that chia made the same sort of slippery stuff. I'll try it.

  9. There's a coconut yoghurt here in Aus for those non-dairy-ers . My local independent grocers plus the f&v shop stocks it.
