
Monday 14 October 2013

a blessing. of sorts.

let me tell you a secret
deep inside
i am a shy
somewhat solitary bear,
it takes courage for me to step into the spotlight
i'd rather stay home than go to parties
[close friends have told me i am socially inept]
and i tend to take things quite literally

i tend to be forthright
i have a strong sense of justice and
i WILL speak out if i see something that is not right

it is how i came off the assembly line, reinforced by how i was raised.

if i kindly advise someone that it would be better
in the interests of [their] potential longevity
not to be consuming food in an atmosphere redolent of toxic vapours
i am doing that out of concern
and from what i perceive to be a duty of care.
in short
i mean well.

so if you then tell me i have "crossed a line" and go on to demand whether i realise that by coming to teach i have "inconvenienced others who normally use the space" and snicker derisively when my Precious rises sponstaneously to my defence

then all i can say is
"Bless you and be Happy"
 i shall not darken your doors again.


  1. One door closes many others will open and be opened by those appreciative of your talents, skill and generosity of spirit. Wishing nothing but happiness

    1. Thank you. I had some lovely students who made me very happy indeed and am now off towards the next gathering...

  2. India does this means you find other ways to work ? we are different personality and each one are unique,you are one of them thank you

    1. Dear Bodil
      It just means I will return only to places and people who understand the ways of the bear!
      Looking forward to Scotland next year :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the socially inept. They remind me of me.

  4. So me. It's not always easy but living your true self is better than making sacrifaices...

  5. I'm sitting here typing whilst drinking a small glass of my son's home brew, a bit early in the evening but he insisted that I tasted his latest brew... Some things a mother has to do.. Dinner might be a little late this evening.. Or maybe not at all! Hey,ho!

    My sister always say's I'm opinionated (and she doesn't say it in a nice way *A holier than thou, way*). I used to be offended, but as I've got older, I've decided that it's better to have an opinion. To have a thought. A brain. And to say what I think. To be honest with myself and others... Rare qualities, that should be voiced, rightly or wrongly... Rather that worry what others might think or might be offended by.

    Sadly you do not live near to me India, I'm sure that we could share a good yarn (story), and laugh until our sides ached.. Maybe share a small glass of my son's latest concoction....

    So if you are ever in the Falmouth area of Cornwall my door is open to you, a lady whom I'm sure I would love to share the time of day with.. ~ Julie.

  6. oh I hear you sista.... bring on puppies and kitties and rocks and leaves...

  7. I suspect that we could be good friends. =)


  8. the bear growls with er own voice... brava.

  9. No matter ... plenty of other doorways that will be keeping the porch light on for ya ;>]]

  10. i LOVE and TOTALLY admire you india flint!!! xo

  11. I truly understand it all, from deep inside me. One's wrong however, may be another's right, or at least it may and should be a fluid thought in our minds. We are all shy deep inside, it's human nature, especially to us, creative and sensitive spirits. We all deserve to have people around us who at least attempt to understand our ways, whether we are home, at a party, in a class, as teachers, learners, or just humans wandering. With love, Orly

    1. Exactly. Which is why, when mutual understanding is elusive, we simply have to offer a blessing and let some people go...thanks for being in the class Orly, it was a joy to meet you.

    2. I whole heartedly agree with your last words. Being able to let go of some people is a part of our healthy evolution.
      You have enriched and inspired me greatly in these short days.
      Go gently India Flint.

  12. I truly believe that when one door closes another door opens... and for one who believes that the glass is half empty... that is quite an optimistic view to have-- almost a contradiction but that is true for me. I truly enjoyed our delightful dinner together and I hope that many doors open for you.

    1. It was lovely to meet you Donna- and as the daughter of a scientist I can assure you that unless it is in a vacuum the glass is ALWAYS full...if not visibly then with air :)

  13. On the day you wrote this post I was saying goodbye to people I worked with after making the decision not to work there any longer.( I, too, cannot help but speak my mind when I see injustice.) It set me free and allowed me to (in other words) say 'Bless you and be happy' to allow the new head of department to find his way forward without me darkening his doorstep. I am off on a new adventure and the excitement is palpable. I hope our paths cross one day India Flint.

  14. Some people just can't see genius even when it is staring them in the face!

    1. while that label applied to my grandfather i'm not entirely sure i can claim it myself...but i'll let you know for sure if i see one peeping out of the mirror ;-)

  15. You handled it all with gentle grace. The class was wonderful because of who you are.

    1. fortunately the subject matter of the class almost always attracts gentle people who like plants, cloth, stitching and sharing was good to have you there too!

  16. When you told this story the other day, I was glad to be amongst those who welcomed with open arms and chocolate. Thank you for braving the wide world and sharing your wealth of knowledge with us.

    1. and that chocolate you brought was particularly delicious. it's now up there on the list of favourites along with the amazing ginger+orange version that lovely Sheri included in my was good to meet you at long last!

    2. You should be able to eat your fill of Dagoba over the coming weeks.... equally delighted, my dear!

  17. You are the teacher and with that responsibility, you are bound to share the truths of your understanding. to do otherwise would be negligent. That you are not.

    1. thank you me dear. those captaining the boat do have a duty of care and although i will admit that i don't spend a lot of time on the small and common sensical details such as 'wash your hands after gathering' ...i will happily continue to open my mouth [possibly sometimes just to change feet] when it comes to the big things.
