
Wednesday 27 March 2013

before i die

when in South Australia [ie home]
i mostly hang about in places like this

but every now and then
i find myself in places that are not quite so open

i was taking a short-cut the other day
through the back streets
and happened to look left at that corner
before i turned right
 which set me thinking
what do i want to do
before i die?

the statement at bottom left sounds like a plan.
top right looks good too.

a few more definite things floated through the greyspace
i want to learn to swing dance
[and find someone who would like to learn it with me]
i want to play more music
to grow a garden again and stay home in it
with a Dog [as well as Martha and her friends] .

but really
i suspect it really boils down to this

before i die
i want to reach a healthy, lucid and luminous old age
with love, joy, enthusiasm and curiosity

what would you write on the pole, if i gave you a piece of chalk?


  1. I want to see my babies grow up, find their way in the world, pursue their dreams, find love, be happy.....

  2. well i would like to learn to swing dance too! and anything that involves dancing , singing, music, joy is on the list for more of and on a fast redial. and maybe to savour and appreciate every moment.
    explore. set myself free. be grateful always for all of life and all of my gifts. know love. feel peace.
    ...hmmmmm, has this answer got a word limit ?

  3. So nice seeing you and your exhibition today. After the meeting on dairy farming to day, which really resolved nothing, except that no one can go on if their costs are more than production and when there are no more dairy farmers left where will the milk come from.
    Sorry, got distracted, I think I wish for some sanity in the world.
    Wishful thinking I know

  4. Seriously.....I've wanted to go to Australia since I was 12. That's what I want to do before I die.

  5. Oh my goodness I have a whole bucket list of things. Read more, learn to cook Chinese food, take violin lessons, speak Italian. Travel is big too. Sicily, Turkey, Israel..

  6. i'd like to learn to swing dance.. and see Antartica... and catch a falling star....and stitch until i'm a hundred and ten!!

  7. wow, first finally do what I have to do to get healthy again. walking, gardening, eat more raw, plantbased food.
    Learn more about natural dyes, and keep spinning, knitting, weaving, stitching and sewing. And do it Slow. Work more together with fiberfriends, eat and sing and dance together. Learn Balfolk dancing. I'm on the right path for this. The bigger dream is to visit Iceland, Vancouver Island, New-Zealand, Japan and Australia. This summer my 15 year old daughter and I are going to Scotland to an organic farm dye wool, felting and cooking from plants we gather on walks. xxx Marijke

  8. I would like to do swing dance lessons with Kristina Olsen. Not only does she sing the blues fit to break your heart, make you laugh fit to rip your britches,she dances like she was born dancing.I would like to make a difference with the environment.. cleaning up the ocean.. going to be hear for a while I guess.. goody Ill be able to raise puppies and use up all my art supplies

  9. I would write exactly your words... and add make sustainable living, and find the companionship of someone with whom words are not usually necessary to communicate.

  10. My list: Experience absolute abundance, total fulfillment, vibrant health and vitality and glorious financial wealth. The nice thing is, I can do all that, (except perhaps the last one which I haven't quite figured out yet - but I'm working on it!), at any and every moment if I remember to pause for the second or two that it takes. It's written large on my own chalk board to jog my memory each time my eyes pass across it .
    Then there's also the secondary list, which includes my gorgeous mountain home, awesome studio, love full, and a magnificent community of fellow adventurers to share it all with, because it's good to have clear goals!

  11. exactly!
    but also
    as I gaze out the window
    at the melting snow
    it is just perfect
    right here
    right now

  12. This is making me smile as we are still experiencing cold damp days filled with snow!!! I love love love the first photo! Happy Easter! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. i've returned to answer your question, and i'm no nearer than i was last time. i might have to think about this a long time!

    1. I'm with you Velma. I pretty much know I don't want to swing dance. Could it be we are ready to die? ox

    2. OH, NO wait. I want to finish the dress I am stitching! ;-)

  14. I can say that I have contentment now, and for that I am grateful. I have no burning desire for any particular thing, but more of what I have; a well lived, well loved creative life. Would I appreciate better health? Yes. And that ties in with what you said.

    i want to reach a healthy, lucid and luminous old age
    with love, joy, enthusiasm and curiosity. I agree.

    Many blessings to you for your on-going love, joy, enthusiasm and curiosity, and swing dancing!

  15. OK.......I'm in.........I want to know my triplet grandaughters well into their thirties......they are 6 years old at this moment. This is great! I'm hearing the music now.

  16. I just started back to school a couple months ago to finish a bachelors degree,(at amost 50!) that was a big one on my list. I have quite a few things I would like to do, but seriously... one thing I have to do, is take a class with you again India!!(or 2 0r 3......)

  17. I like yours India.... good health and marbles.... and to that i would add ... travel, travel, travel.

  18. sit with a Boab tree and listen

    1. wondering if hitchhiking is an option for two old crows last time I went to WA was by thumb in 1974 when the road across the Nullabor was still dirt!

  19. Jam on tenor with Houston Person

  20. Jam on tenor with Houston Person

  21. Jam on tenor with Houston Person

  22. learn to love! I thought I knew how but I think I was mistaken :-)

  23. before I die, I want to live a full life and not put things on the back burner like my dad who always wanted to go to Greece and Egypt but never managed to or like my mum who is 87 now and who just watches tv waiting for others to entertain her. I want to do exactly what I do now, just maybe a bit closer to the sea ;o)

    1. the sea is calling me too...or a lake...or a river...

  24. Come to the Carolinas, there is lots of swing and contra dancing here. And of course I'd love to learn from you before I die. I love all your lovely work!!!

  25. Those chalk boards are amazing! <3

    I'll be attending Camp Mighty for my 26th Birthday on October 19th. My homework is to put together my 'Might Life List' - 100 things I want to do before I die. I've got 88 written down so far, and I would have been at 100 had I not crossed more than 20 off the list already. I keep seeing opportunities to fulfill my goals because I'm already living into the experience at Camp Mighty starting NOW.

    At Camp I'll be sharing my list with with the other campers in person and also via the website where we will upload each item and add photos, etc. I will be sure to send you the link too when I'll all posted :)

    Here's a video about Camp:

    Great seeing you in Inverness <3
