
Thursday 28 June 2012

more magical workings in the universe

a couple of months ago
i was musing to the rocks on the paddock and a passing sheep or three about not having been to Aotearoa [New Zealand] for a while.
i even mentioned to the passing ones
that i would really like to spend a little more time
at Titirangi

the Dogs Above were listening
did a bit of mustering, lined up the cosmic carpool
and to my delight
an email arrived inviting me to give a workshop there
which i am thrilled to bits about
[Titirangi is one of the places where Colin McCahon lived]
and then
i was thinking about other places i love in New Zealand
and about the wonderful time we had at Cable Bay
when we all walked into the water wearing our reconstructed dresses
to pre-mordant them before windfall-bundling them around some local rocks
[the rocks were returned to the beach later]
again the dogs were listening
and now we have another workshop happening in the beautiful Lud Valley again [which is very close to Cable Bay and also to Nelson]

following some days after the class at Titirangi
...but allowing me some time in between to put my bare feet on the ground at Awhitu, a place whose name most appropriately means "a longing to return"

contact details for both workshops are on my website here  [you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the page]

and just yesterday another wee pigeon flew in from afar
with an inquiry about a possible dye workshop in Los Angeles
- it would be at very short notice, from July 30-August 1, 2012
we need ten participants to make it possible so i'd love to hear from anyone who might be interested or missed out on a place in the Santa Barbara class


  1. yay. would be great to have some fun in l.a.(nott hat dread airport, though). see you very soon! grins and hugs abound.

  2. I'm a big believer in the power of intention. I've realized lately that everything I seek out with the longing of my heart, comes to me. It seems to be the same with you. Sounds wonderful!!


  3. India, I can see why anyone would 'long to return'.

  4. OOoo, so blessed indeed! One of my favourite areas of the homeland! I hope the workshops planned there fill up quickly & affirm the rightness of being there. It seems as if the Dogs above recognise you may need some time of nurture!

  5. I am interested to find out more about the Los Angeles workshop. How do I get that info?

    1. if you'd care to email me using the contact details on my website i can pass you on to the organiser

  6. I had wonderful experiences in New Zealand and reading your post renewed my dreams of returning soon. You have so much sincere joy in your images and processes. Thank you, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  7. of course - all my favourite places - my daughter in Titirangi, all the great mates at Lud Valley and me in Awhitu - wonderful news. Will be great to have you "home":)

  8. "I love it when a plan comes together"

    what else is up those awesome sleeves!

  10. Titirangi is my birthland. It used to be one of the most beautiful, magical, wild places in the country. These days it is very different, but some of that old wild spirit lingers quietly in the hills, echoing out through Laingholm and beyond. It's so lovely to see someone else mention it in such a charming way. I hope you enjoy your time in NZ.

    1. thank you. the first time i visited i did try and mentally blank out houses less than 40 years old to picture how it might have looked once...development is everywhere but if you squint you can still see through the cracks
