
Friday 18 May 2012

madeline island

i like islands.

so when the kind folk at Madeline Island in Lake Superior asked whether i would care to join them next summer i jumped at the chance

the last time i was on the shores of that lake was in 1976
when our family was travelling across Canada in a $200 jeep
there were holes in the floor that let in exhaust fumes
- we chewed a lot of gum and plugged them with it

the jeep died in San Francisco
at the end of an epic journey across the continent and down the West Coast
- i visit the oil stain it left on the pavements of Russian Hill
each time i swing through my favourite city

Pa left his camera sitting on a log on the north shore of Lake Superior
but that's another story.

so in July 2013
i will be taking the ferry to Madeline Island
for five days of dyeing, stitching and storytelling

the class is the "Wayfarer's Wanderbook and Windfall Cloth"

the contract is signed and nailed into place on my calendar.

...they wanted a bio photo
which is a bit tricksy. there are not that many images of me stored in the electronic retrieval system

i sent them two to choose from

this one

using the Pacific Puddle as pre-mordant

and this one [i'm the one in the dress]

photo credit : Nancy Zeller

wonder if i will find a dog-friend on the island?


  1. Love the photo of you and the pup! Sounds like a magical workshop.

  2. Lovely tale as always India, maybe you could have a look for that camera while you're there lol. Lovely photo of you and the doggyfriend xx

    1. rusted camera as core of bundle? new concepts of image making...

    2. oooh, rusted, deconstructed camera may produce interesting patterns....

  3. the good dog and her human family wonder if you'll find yourself on this bench for a workshop in the summer of 2013?

    1. the summer of 2013 is still generally very much in the Lap of the i'm hoping to take a class as a student myself and the dates for the class i want to do have been "indicated but not set"

      ...nonetheless i thank the Good Dog and her Family for thinking of the possibility

    2. sounds like a good plan to be a student.
      you deserve it.

  4. Wonderful! Both photos are rich in detail.

  5. wayfarers wander book..... heart flip... wonderful!

    island dogs will leap into your arms I'm sure

  6. love them both.......the one in the dress and the furry one!

  7. That's not far from my US abode... it's very tempting. Would love to take another workshop with you again!
    oxoxox Janet

    1.'s hoping we can convene over a cauldron...the last time we did that [in the paeonie paradise at Bussy sur Moudon] was utterly wonderful :)

  8. Aahhhh love that last photo... and all the others. "Wayfarer's Wanderbook and Windfall Cloth".... makes me lust for wandering and workshopping. Drooling over the wanderbook image!

    1. drool... a calcium rich protein enhanced mordant?

  9. lovely. you two make me smile and smile.

  10. that photo of you with your gorgeous looking dog is gorgeous India. looking forward to seeing you in UK excitedxlynda

    1. sadly is not my "own" dog...the lovely Kip, Border Collie and supreme sheep gatherer passed to the Realm of the Dogs Above on July 19, 2010
      leaving pawprints of enormity which have not been filled yet
      and probably won't be until i stop travelling long enough
      for her successor to find me

      ...see you in the Forest!
