
Tuesday 1 November 2011

happily at the coalface

yesterday's wind has generated a rich harvest
i arrive at the studio laden with fragrant greenery

now you see it

now you don't

it goes into the pot
and then

i have breakfast
lovely rosemary and olive bread
salvaged from the supper table

outside the window
there is a passing parade

inside i inhale the aroma of the dyepot
and play with shapes that echo those of the containers
on the boats

eventually my dumpling is cooked

and the alarm on my batfone alerts me to my responsibilities
i speedwalk back in to the city
and put on a frock for the exhibition opening
am pretty sure some folks in the street think
that i am dressing up for Halloween

i think more people should wear frocks with big skirts
that hide a multitude of sins
[as opposed to the sins of a multitude]

94 starving students turn up
eat cheese and vegetable bits
do a circuit of the space
and rush off to get stuck into Halloween
[i'm told this is an excellent turnout]

meanwhile i am given a splendid bunch
of very red flowers
for which


  1. Openings are for the hungry and those who want to be seen. Those who want to savor your work will come solitarily, and linger. That is one big bundle! Eager to see it unwrapped. Happy Halloween!

  2. Ah yes, the hungry art students. I'm with Birdsong: go to openings to see the work.

    I'm a newcomer here, India, and am intrigued. I was introduced to your work via Jude Hill. Am a painter gone over the edge into the world of textiles and the dyepot was the next logical step. Am devouring the information in Eco Colour. Wonderful and thank you!

  3. I am picturing you in your frock and big skirt amongst halloween costumes of lurex, fake fur, sequins and plastic bits....... I know what costume I'd give the prize to (heres a metaphorical internits treat) >O<

  4. Can't wait to see that opened! Glad it was a good turnout.

  5. Sounds very much like the openings at our college! When I was in graduate school, there was a kind of creepy guy who went to ALL the openings. He came at the very beginning and stood right at the food table all night eating not-stop. We called him the "opening guy". When someone would describe the guy who crashed their opening, we'd all chime in... "oh, the OPENING guy!" Brings back memories. Nowadays I have to stand around and look professorly even though I still feel studenty, but I do bribe my students into coming by telling them about the great food spread!

  6. amen on the frock comment-and more and more so the older i get ;-)

    birdsong: i don't know about that-sometimes you just can't wait! and galleries often have squirrelly hours (at least around here...)

    val: we had a guy like that around here-only he came for the wine (and proceeded to get drunk and sloppy.) guess every 'burg has one.

    and that bundle is HUGE! miss india, you must be one 'buff' lady...having to wrap that. :-)

  7. I know it wasn't technically part of the post, but I can't help but admire the little blue pottery cup, so lovely! Your bundle looks very large ans fascinating, can't wait to see how that turns out. <3

  8. ooooh mai India, your dry humour...

  9. looking forward to the opening of the package:)
    enjoy your roses!

  10. the very red flowers could be useful

  11. the day sounds full and lovely. and the bundle, enticing. in years past, the community here attended every opening at the univ's. all the homesteaders would eat supper whilst enjoying the party and the art. the univ's got wise, now the food is minimal.

  12. and i'm glad you were gifted flowers.

  13. don't get me wrong...i'm all for feeding students
    but maybe at that end of a long cold day, what they really need is a decent soup.
    turnouts would double - announce free soup BYO beaker/bowl
    guarantee a sellout - show a small supplementary exhibition of bowls
    buy one and have it filled

    except it might not work if they were made of cloth.

  14. It is wonderful that you are able to have studio space for a week while your exhibition is up (which by the way, looks gorgeous).

  15. Gosh!!! I really must try this, you know!!! BWT, you have an award allocated to you on my found art blog....

  16. Can't wait to see the inside of the package!!!! Happy Halloween

  17. I like the idea of an opening where one buys one's bowl and then eats dinner.... now THAT would ensure some sales!

    my word ver. word is "school".... hardly ever get actual words. What's the message I wonder?
