
Sunday 15 May 2011

in the shadow of the wall

10 hours of Very Fast Train later
and we're in Berlin
after having to think carefully every time i open my mouth
in the Francophile regions
it's good to be in a country where the words come easily

tomorrow i have a special errand
taking photos for a Berliner back home
whose travelling days are behind her


  1. India, I am enjoying following your blog and travels enormously. The photo you have, of sheep walking up a track, is that from your home? It's a beautiful image.

  2. i find myself, after 38 years of resistance, being totally and utterly amazed and in awe of contemporary dance. anything graeme murphy touches turns to gold. i think i have the recent "so you think you can dance" phenomenon to thank for this new found fascination. this video is eye candy - excuse my ignorance but has the production well and truly finished??? can i see it still?
    happy wandering my friend!

  3. sorry Sammiam
    it was indeed a while ago [late nineties?]
    i saw it in Adelaide, acquired the music on CD
    and was delighted to find the trailer on the interweb...
    and thanks, the wandering is indeed not only happy but also satisfying
