
Monday 14 March 2011

loose threads

i'd so like to be able to show you some footage of 'breathe'
but it was hard to get reasonable images
let alone moving pictures
here's the best i can do

a valiant effort but not really up to much.

while wandering the compound before this evening's performance
i discovered an interesting designer
slogging it out in the WOMAD market.
Tina kindly permitted me to take a few pix
and has promised to let me know when her website will be up
she was showing a limited range - skirts , trousers, dresses
in really interesting shapes

the dress on the left reminded me of those i made for 'Debris' in 2007 [see image below]
similar cut at the top
but without the clever moon-shape at the bottom
some of the Sakki* dresses had nifty clips
so that the pointy bits at the side could be clipped up
a nice touch
and i found this link 

a scene from 'debris' choreographed by Frances Rings
costumes by your correspondent

and while i can't show you bits of 'breathe'
i've found footage of 'seven'
a production we worked on together a couple of years ago
[ie i made the costumes]

*curiously, Sakki translates from the Japanese as "a thirst for blood"


  1. Glorious work. Congratulations India.

  2. That dance video is fascinating. I have watched it over and over. It's amazing.
    The clothing is wonderful. All of the clothing is beautiful and creative. The dancers are so lucky to wear such amazing designs.

  3. seeing your fabrics/garments in motion this way amazes and animates in ways i hadn't imagined. very fine, totally captivating. you must be so satisfied!
