
Sunday 2 January 2011

found to be in need of stitching

found to be in need of stitching-
my favourite pair of jeans
of course
from a San Francisco thrift store
lovely bootcut Levi Strauss

i used Japanese sashiko thread
good sturdy cotton
a stitch in time, they say
but i needed a lot more than nine


  1. but worth every stitch, they dont make jeans like those any more...even with a bank loan to buy from new!

  2. i still have mine from 1969. but now they are quilt. and a bag. and the patches for another pair from 1983.

  3. Oh, YES, thank you for reminding me! I have a pair of jeans in my mending basket - the size of a walk in closet (the basket, not the jeans). Somehow I happen to pick up the kids clothes every time I spend time mending, so all of my own clothes end in the bottom of the basket. And I miss my old worn jeans!
    I feel a bit like Cindarella, when she has found this dress she wants to smarten up for the ball. And her stepsisters and stepmum calls for her all the time so she can't work on the dress. I've found a »found, stitched and dyed« project I really look forward to get my hands working on. I just need some time ...

  4. When I mended mine with running stitch, I couldn't believe the textural feel on the *inside* from all those tiny stitches. But I used regular cotton embroidery thread. What is the difference with the sashiko - is it very soft...or...?

    The mended spots are tough as iron now ;>]

  5. I have just mended my old pair of favorite jeans too...couldn't throw them away! A belated happy New Year India and see you in Switzerlandxlynda

  6. that's my sort of mending. They look wonderfully loved!
    I still have my bootcut levi's too...alas, the old ones dont fit these days.

    Jacky xox

  7. i used to fancy myself in my bootcut jeans a cowboy (girl) without boots! my old jeans become paper, but new old jeans have lycra or something in them, not suitable.

  8. love mended clothes....

