
Sunday 14 November 2010

some time later

one of the side benefits of living at a teaching space is having playtime after hours. and Crockett Cottage Studio at Mansfield is a particularly pleasant place to play at


  1. mmmm. That looks wonderful. I need to get back to doing some more dying.

  2. Wonderful playing - wish I was there.

  3. maybe next time plotting to be there in April 2012 to enjoy the autumn leaf fall...

  4. Do the strings you tie the bundles with become colored also?

  5. if the string is handrolled silk it becomes permanently dyed
    if it's cotton or hemp it's often loaded with colour
    which then prints onto the next bundle...

  6. Ach, das ist so wunderbar, jetzt möchte ich wirklich auch einmal ein Stück Stoff so "bemalen". Dein Buch habe ich x-mal durchgeblättert und nun meine Frage: Was kann ich falsch machen? Eukalyptus habe ich hier keinen, aber letzte andere Blätter könnte ich noch vor dem Winter auf Stoff bannen. Soll ich die Seide vorbeizen mit Essig? Leinen mit Alaun?
    Herzliche Grüsse


  7. oh they are gorgeous results... very inspirational..

  8. Lovely pieces! I have just ordered your book after debating with Arlee Barr whether bougainvillea would produce anything. Have you tried it? It is very spooky, Mansfield keeps cropping up in things I read and this has been going on for 2 years, maybe a message in there? Especially after looking at your "play".

  9. Robyn A, you might want to think twice about buying the book - according to Arlee it is vague and unhelpful! [didn't think so myself but then again my opinion could be said to be slightly biased]

    but yes, Bouganvillea ecoprints in NZ a couple of years ago were fabulous [but don't heat them as long as eucalyptus]

    Mansfield is a truly magical place...more pix to follow in other posts

    and in case anyone else wants to know the answer to KB Design's question [which i emailed to her directly] here was the answer provided

    "am besten wirken diese prozesse auf seide oder wolle
    wenn aber baumwolle/leinen/hanf benutzt wird, dan mit soya milch oder alaun oder "aschen-wasser" vorbeizen.
    den stoff mitt blaetter usw ziemlich fest rollen, zu schnueren und dan daempfen oder in wasser kochen [etwa 30 minuten]"

  10. What continues to fascinate is the incredible variety of windfall that I have discovered through spring, summer, and fall here in southeastern Tennessee. I started eco dyeing in March India, when I received your wonderful book as a gift. Each season has brought it's own color display and markings. Now as the nights turn frosty, it will be fascinating to me to see what develops with foraging in the fields in winter...more than likely, it will be a time to do a little stitching together of the accumulated dyed cloths so in that sense, the adventure continues.

  11. well i for one think that your book Eco Colour and all the years of research that has gone into it has opened up a whole whorl'd of colour and imagination for all of us, and there is plenty of room left for us to continue with our own experiments such as with bougainvillea.
    wonderful colours and designs with this post. k.

  12. I agree with Kaite. I just blogged about my eco dye experiment mentioning your book of course. In the last photo on this post. Are you sure you didn't wrapped a hedgehog by mistake! Just kidding! Hugs Nat

  13. thanks Possums! hedgehog wriggled a bit but was subdued eventually
    actually is a biggish felt piece, too big for the intended dyepot [was an example to show students]
    was eventually squished in with the help of the large foot
    attached to the end of my leg
    i stood on it.
    just as well it wasn't really a hedgehog at all

  14. india, just to reiterate, groundbreaking work is often resented. eco colour is a seminal work. end of rant.

    this work is super. just super.

    glad you're back.

  15. stunning marks indiana

    5th photo down
    left hand side
    boxes of string marks on one cloth?

    just beautiful..

  16. in response to

    [and in the spirit of "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's"]
    we were dyeing little bundles of thread in the manner developed by a certain 'r' [and yes, i explained who thought of it]
    and then
    Sammiam [click on her comment to visit her pages] came up with the idea of bundling leaves and paper together
    and then keeping the whole intact as a wee precious object
    the funny thing is
    they look a lot like the little bundle in the John Davis exhibition, pictured here

  17. Santa knows I want your book. As an artist book maker, I can think of all kinds of projects to combine stings and papers and cloth in earthy complementing colors. Yes, I can!

  18. Oops, seems like I pressed a button there, sorry! At least you got e very good response from Arlee. I live in Newcastle (Australia) and I have the most gorgeous scarlet bougainvillea which I felt must surely produce something. So I am looking forward to the arrival of said seminal work so I can have a go. Thanks, India, you have inspired thousands and I have only heard good things albeit spoken in hushed and reverent tones. Watch out girl or you will find you have become the Guru (no, you already are that), maybe a high priestess of some sort which will definitely require an elven headress!

  19. them things are very lovely...

    had a really intelligent comment but it fell out...
    oh well, said pooh.
    must be 11 o'clockish...

  20. careful now, i might get a swelled head.
    but you're very kind

  21. Hehhhhh, welcome back, good to see you & your stuff here again.

    And about that book *critique*....bunch o'balderdash if you ask me. Just sayin'.

  22. very cool...the bundles bring out some primal feelings in the markmaking and amazing technique....

  23. I love the depth and contrast of these pieces, gorgeous. Also i'd been meaning to ask you a little question.. I once got an amazing olive green on wool from spanish onions, since then i have never been able to repeat it. Now i just get rusty colours, except for what is inside the bundle(which is red). It was in a an aluminium pot i found at the tip, it was the first time i used it. I used just water and heat...

  24. aluminium tends to encourage yellows in conjunction with onion skins
    willing to bet there must have been iron present to achieve greens...

  25. These are truly beautiful India.

  26. Hmmn do you think maybe it's possible it was from the water? I used town water and at the time and we were smack in the middle of the drought and the river was dragging from the very bottom of the dam, really silty. It was too yuck to drink even at that point....

  27. thanks Pam
    yes Jemima, that could well be possible
    had a similar experience in Adelaide 2005
    when the reservoirs were low [and i think copper sulphate levels were more concentrated than usual]
    got green from Euc. sideroxylon.

  28. thanks India it's good to know perhaps i haven't been going chance of low dams at present, but that of course is a very good thing...

  29. i love bundles, cloth coloured, india and imbi and all the comments are a good read as well. lovely dovely.

  30. These photos make me wish I had 2 for wood and one for textiles.
