
Tuesday 10 August 2010

windfalls and weeds

i'd prefer to leave these bundles for longer
but there's a deadline looming
here's a detail of the unfolded red bundle
[those white streaks are cotton threads amidst wool]

it's interesting to see how the same leaves print differently
on the recycled wool/cotton mix and the silk
[that's the lower part]
the dark mark is from the edge of the piece of galvanised metal
the dress was wrapped around

methinks we need a bit of green to balance things
hoping these windfalls and weeds
will make the cream velvet look like moss...

ps i'm told there are still a couple of places available 
in the felting and dyeing workshop being run by
 Fusion Fibre Arts Network in rural Victoria in a couple of weeks time. 
these are the only places left in workshops 
[with the exception of one coming up in the Blue Mountains in spring next year] 
with me in Australia until 2012 
- next winter I'll be across the Big Puddle a lot, the seems that 
the Orange class has been booked out 
[thanks past and future students for your friendly support!]   

if you're interested please email the organiser, Rhonda Albrecht.


  1. moss velvet. yum yum yum...
    can't wait to see the completed collection. the tiny sneak snippets are looking beautiful. and totally inspiring.

  2. I love the organic and real...very special...

  3. India if you only knew how p---d off I am about not getting to your workshop in September. I was so looking forward to it, but think I am in the one at Yankalilla (Normanville) so hope to be able to ask all the questions then.

  4. Does this mean that you won't be doing any workshops in Europe in 2011-had thought you might be back in the UK as i missed the last one

  5. it means that the workshops [bar the one above] that still lie ahead in AUstralia [in 2010 and 2011] are booked out
    there are a couple of places left in Aotearoa NZ [Feb 2011]
    there will be a number in the UNited States over summer, and possibly a couple in Canada in the Fall [all 2011]
    amid all that, the UK retreat is still being thought about
    good things take time

    and somewhere in between i need to do some quiet stitching and leaf-and-stick-gathering and placing of twigs on the fire under the cauldron...

  6. yes to green. congrats on a full schedule.

  7. What weeds and leaves are in your green concoction?

  8. windfalls = citrus [various], eucalyptus citriodora, rose leaves, one daphne leaf, jasmine leaves
    weeds = sorrel, geranium [that's the one in the middle with the small leaves], marshmallow, come clover [not strictly a weed] and solidago

  9. oops forgot to mention Grevillea robusta [windfall]

  10. If you continue in this direction you surely will be of Rock Star fame! These are so tantalizing. Can't wait for the whole reveal.

  11. I find myself hopping over here almost daily in great anticipation of more *reveals*...a very fine thing to look forward to, I must say.

    As far as adding greens goes, if you want to over-dye only a portion of a garment vs. the whole, how do prevent the greens from migrating? Does only part of the piece go into the cauldron, with the rest sticking out...or does it get rolled tightly into something...or...?

  12. you can always exclude dyes from an area by wrapping it firmly in ANOTHER piece of cloth...preferably one that will trap dye on its surface

    ie a piece of silk used as an excluder can become a gorgeous work in its own right?

  13. Yes, I see, thank you India ~ I can imagine that excluder behaving like an absorbent raincoat of sorts.

  14. Amazed at what you do with your concoctions. I'm still patiently waiting for your book to arrive through Can't wait!

  15. it is always so interesting and fun to see what comes out when you experiment with different plants and different fabrics

  16. Hi India. I am so enjoying your new book and having such fun while learning. I love your work here. Just wondered if you had time to pop over to and see what your teachings have done to me! Ha. I am totally committed and my poor husband is suffering from me talking all the time about what makes what colour and l wonder what those peelings would come out like!Hax Once aagin thanks for reminding me how much l en joy textiles and dyeing!x lynda

  17. oh forgot to ask.......if you do have plans for UK...PLEASE let me knowxxlynda
