
Monday 30 August 2010

in the far east

i've been away in the Far East
where wallabies wander past the workroom
and pisolithus fungus do strange things in the dye pot

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. The colours you have created are wonderful. I was so excited when I saw you were teaching in Gippsland, so close to my home.... and then I realised it was when I was overseas!
    Hopefully I will get to a workshop soon.

    Jacky xox

  2. Sounds toxic .... and have since found out it is horse dung fungi..... or Bohemian truffle. By the way my book arrived and it's even better than I expected. It's a gorgeous looking book India! Can't wait to read it.

  3. Had to look that one up on Google...what color! Horse dung fungus in Aus, Bohemian truffle in Europe and the dog turd fungus in California ~ and then this, "...also known in polite company as the dyemaker's puffball" which I found here:

    Haven't seen it in these parts although its supposedly wide spread in North America...

  4. The bottom photo is quite amazing. What depth of colour and shape. What marriage. Gilly

  5. comforts of home, but i am seeing a layered page here, writing over photos, not easy to see...k.

  6. I am still chuckling at the subtlety of the play on words of the Bohemian Truffles. It harkens back to the very old German expression of "mir ist alles Boemisch", roughly equivalent to the English "its all double Ditch to me", embracing both confusion and a pinch of wonder.

  7. when you put it like that it's just as well they aren't called 'East Friesian truffles' ... [explanation for non-Europeans : Germans make East Friesian jokes like the English make Irish jokes....]
