
Monday 5 July 2010

pas ce soir, Josephine

it's been a long time since i was last in Montreal
about 27 years if we're counting
i had fond memories
and looked forward to revisiting a few of them
while researching a few other possibilities
and gathering some windfalls
in places i had walked as a child

i had also planned to donate a work
to a Museum here
glowingly billed [on their website]

it took a while to find it
a while being a 5 hour trek aux pieds
made memorable by rude bicyclists
indicating they would cheerfully have hurled us off the Jacques Cartier Bridge
despite that we were being well-behaved and walking on the side reserved for pedestrians
[where les bicyclettes were completely interdit]

clearly things do get flung from the bridge
from time to time
we saw a perambulator in fragments far below
the sort of pieces and splatter pattern that are produced when something
gets on the wrong side of gravity
in conjunction with a very hard surface

we hope the occupant had wings
or a parachute
or had simply outgrown and discarded the chariot

but i digress
here is the museum

charming, n'est ce pas?
[those are little bird houselets hanging on the posts at front]
but perhaps not the place to deposit a frock.
shall give it to the Precious instead
so she can make something of it
and wear it
rather than having it stored in that attic
waiting for visitors who never come
because they are lost on an island in the St Lawrence
or being hurled from a bridge by a passing cyclist

and slipping off topic for a moment
how do we think the inhabitants of
numero 155 Riverside drive [above] felt
when the powers-that-be
ran a freeway interchange
as well as a couple of overhead railway tracks
[couldn't get them all into the picture]
within spitting distance of their once charming cottage

a highlight of the walk was the Habitat building
designed by Moshe Safdie

and being serenaded by some wee black birdies
that had scarlet tufts on their shoulders

contents of the bundle to be revealed later


  1. Sadly, you can't go home again....Gladly you can go forward keeping memories of the good.

  2. The Moshe Safdie building is divine! I'm drawn to the quaint little museum but I agree your work should not be stored in the attic. I am thrilled to report that Eco Colour is on its way to South Africa! O Frabjous day! It's on order and hopefully soon to be deposited on my doorstep by
