
Monday 14 December 2009

orienting myself to boro

while navigating my way to the airport and trying to avoid toll roads as well as Melbourne's zero tolerance speed cams
i chanced upon Tombo, in High Street, Northcote

it's a rather lovely store full of delicious oriental treasures
including several large
indigo boro pieces

i also found an exquisite Indian box
just the right size for my tide of pearl buttons
and justified its purchase
of course i need that box
so i can fill it with buttons
and photograph it for my next book

good thing there was space in my Brown Bag


  1. I too am finding a new interest and love in all things BORO-- have found the book and am getting inspiration for new paintings.

  2. Popping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with a "special" box for buttons, its essential. Merry Christmas.

  4. Would love to have a peek in your buttonbox. This brown bag is great, that kind of leather grows more beautiful with the years. Has it room enough for the little cooker?

  5. now this bag is gorgeous. but your box (is it the small one?) is much finer! stores like tombo are one thing i miss about living so far out.

  6. the tiny cauldron does fit...but has to be put in checked luggage because security thinks it is a weapon of mass destruction!

  7. oh, and Velma, the button box is MUCH smaller than those pictured, about 9 x 9 x 9 inches with a delicious lacy iron decoration on the top -
    just haven't had time to take a picture yet

  8. I'm swooning at the sight of those boxes (definitely a necessity) and the glorious indigo boro pieces. Surprising you limited yourself to only one box! Come on spill the beans....what else did you buy?

  9. o for goodness sake stop beautiful.

  10. I am a boro freak now, thank you very much. Its all your flippin fault! lol. Something else to obssess about, to desire and want so much. I stopped by Asia Gallery today. A new shipment with so many mended and patched pieces. So many came home with me. Sigh. Poor me. (Am now also happy recipient of Gee's Bend, again poor me literally, lol). But really I am happy. Not sure do I smack you or hug you. I think I prefer to hug you. ;) You know I love you India, I just thort I'd vent some of my boro-less angst on your page, hehe.

  11. O, I saw a perfect button box but I had spent more than my allowance on cloth. I need to get a job. x
