
Thursday 15 October 2009

cat as critic

i put my work down for a moment to brew a pot of tea
and this is what happens

cat as critic.


  1. Ah, the darlin's. We came home here to certain things planned for supper,left under cover to thaw; the cats had other ideas. Now we will find something else. Is your new icon a journal page, or a cloth, or something else? Lovely marks those.

  2. it's a tatty page from a journal...the duck that used to represent me wanted to go and play in puddles for a while

  3. That's a furry ball of sweetness...I had a pretty little tortie just like that once, she smelled like chocolate brownies, dainty one minute, a tomboy the next, smart as can be, and a VERY independent minded little girl...and she made herself at home in the most inconvenient places...

  4. Martha is a special species known in our family as a CatFishWeaselBear. when she's not busy sleeping on my work she steals tomatoes, cucumber and pumpkin scraps from the compost bucket. Sometimes she'll answer to 'Tuffins' and 'Muppet' or 'Muffy' as well. no wonder she's tired.

  5. Our four legged companions rule the house and we grant them everything as they brighten our lives. They give us comfort from a stressful day and watch over us at night.

    I love cats because they are independent and their affections cannot be brought.It is they who choose you as there owner.

    Thank you for sharing

  6. They just like you to know that your work is appreciated.

  7. I have two cats. One is semi-feral and afraid of everything including his own shadow. The other constantly wants to show me that she loves me and craves my loving attention. Her favorite thing of all is to take any paper creation I make, rub on it to leave her scent, and then scuttle it to the floor. At the end of that ritual, she comes to me as if to say, "mama, aren't I a clever girl? Pet me now as a reward!" and then she patiently waits for me to pet her. Whenever I'm annoyed by the first part of the ritual, I think about the second part and realize I wouldn't really want her to be any different.

  8. You're lucky your cat sleeps...when I leave work on top of my big chair on the back porch guess what our resident family of chipmunks does to it...

  9. I’m very close to the Boro aesthetic. I explore it in the show now up in Denver....
    I’m wondering if you have looked into I usually have great luck there. Let me know how it goes. -Jayne

  10. I like those scissors. Are they hand made in Japan?

  11. the scissors are from the Asian supermarket and made in China. but you've set me to thinking i should line up my collection and post a happy snap...
