
Saturday 6 December 2008

windfalls and whimsies

after teaching in Canberra for the weekend i trekked still further north ... in order to dye a wedding dress using windfalls gathered in the wild by a magical river. no images of the dress available though, it's top secret for some time yet...

on the other hand i have an abundance or river images ... something we've a lack of here in South Australia!


  1. a wedding dress dyed using windfalls gathered in the wild by a magical river!
    This sounds like a fairytale............... this girl is going to be very happy!

  2. What a lovely wedding dress that will be - and what a great idea!

  3. Windfall dyed dress? Whatever will it look like? Cream colored? I want to see it! I'll check back later - femminimso (jeanne in Oregon USA)

  4. Thanks for the comment on my blog India. I'm really enjoying the journey of dying fabric naturally. Can't wait to experiment with eucalyptus leaves when I return back to Melbourne, Australia next March/April.

  5. Oh what a beautiful river!
    Looking forward to seeing wedding dress pics later.

  6. What a beautiful place! A treasure!

  7. Wow, to see water in a river, how unusual this is. So dusty here, can only imagine this. Thanks for the beautiful photos. The wedding dress sounds delightful.

  8. I have some wonderful Rocky Mountain river pictures if you want. Just let me know where to send them and they're on their way. Gilli
    (now living in frozen Wisconsin)

  9. windfallwedding-dress - wow, this name makes me curious. I can imagine the bread with a very naturallooking bridebouquet, her hair like a fairy, the wedding with a lot of leaves on the floor, table with name on the leaves, a lot of branches,..... oh, I want to do it myself in this way again.... lot of succes, India, the bride will be very special. xDorie

  10. After rereading your blog I realized you were doing something with the actual windfall and not pictures of rivers at all. Which is a good thing as my computer was stolen, along with a few other things, but all of my pictures (rivers and otherwise) are now gone forever. A chance to start afresh? Yes, I'll look at it that way. Good luck with the windfallwedding dress. Gilli
