
Tuesday 11 November 2008

interior design new york...

i'd been wondering about the rush of enquiry from north-east USA and i think i may have worked it out...found a friendly article on my work here 

there's a bit of poetic license here and there, but no more than usual...


  1. Some of the bloopers are not too far from the truth, I did do SOME botanical drawing but not to any extent.
    Poor you, you must be feeling like Cinderella, processing all that wool and weaving it into cloth for your designs!
    Nice pictures in the article though.

  2. India, I'm intrigued, but I can't follow the link. Can you give me another clue?

  3. if you click on the word 'here' which is subtly highlighted in lilac (third last line in the post) it should take you straight there

  4. Thank you India. You must think me very dense! I did try that but it didn't work. It has today so it must've be a problem with my equipment(?) yesterday. Hey ho.
    Interesting article, bet you've been 'snowed under' with orders.

  5. no orders, sadly, just requests from students for samples they might use in their projects...i get a lot of those...

  6. well, wait until you are invited to the 'chat' show, as the down under OVERNIGHT sensation....
    at least the last two paragraph and the images are most tantalising

    For those sample requests: by e-mail:
    you could make up a page with image(s) and links, with watermarks over your images of course..........
    for snail mail, well maybe card size..........

  7. This trumpet blowing is an understatement. Yesterday I got your book and it's so beautiful, those little surprises like the bookmark (the card with little flowers to lay on the page you stayed) And so on, I started already the hapa method.wowowowoow

  8. The photograph in this post is so delicious! Love it!
