
Monday 18 February 2008

wandering in the forest

i see that the shapeshifter Viggo Mortensen has an upcoming exhibition 'skovbo' at the Reykjavik Museum of Photography opening 31st May 2008 (until 31 August). i find him rather intriguing in that he manages to be an actor, horse-charmer, artist, poet and photographer; as well as owning an independent publishing company - heck, he's probably a good cook as well.
the word 'skovbo' is, one is given to understand, a Danish descriptor for a 'home in the forest'.

this set me wondering...i didn't think there were many trees, let alone forests, in Iceland, but i was wrong, and here they are.

wandering to Iceland is something i have been dreaming of...plotting botanical alchemy with windfalls, cloth and nature's thermal bounty, i suspect it won't be happening just yet. fortunately the private publishing arm mentioned above is to produce a comprehensive catalogue to accompany the show.


  1. Viggo is indeed a man of many talents. Imagine what it would be like to meet an intelligent hunk with a sensitive side. I could sit under the apple tree with that one. I've added a link to your blog which is absolutely superb.

  2. thank you silver solo...nothing like mutual appreciation...

  3. What a dreamy site. Thanks for stopping by my place. I'll be back.

  4. I didn't know that besides his other "attributes", Mortensen was also a photographer. I have to check him out...opps...I did that already ;)
    Check Nils Udo's work at
    I think you might like it...
